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5 ways that walking boosts your mental health

If you happen to be feeling a little down on any particular day, try a walk around the block just for 15 minutes, and make sure to walk through a park or in nature. You’ll return feeling better, guaranteed.

Here’s why.

Walking reduces the incidence of depression

Feeling low? Go for a walk! According to this study by the Black Dog Institute and the University of NSW , 150 minutes per week of gentle exercise reduced the incidence of depression by 22 per cent.

While walking, you’ll breathe in more oxygen, and look around you at the sky, the trees and birds. These things have a neuro-psychological benefit and instantly lift your mood. Even better, very little effort is required to obtain these benefits, just a willingness to put those runners on and get yourself out of the house.

Close up portrait of a beautiful mid adult woman laughing with sweater

Walking improves your concentration and focus

When you commit to walking regularly, you build and improve your powers of observation, focus and concentration. In a world where our attention is constantly sought after, a walk will do wonders to alleviate the effects of distractions.

The result is that you will develop better problem-solving skills too and you’ll feel more mentally alert.

Read more about this in the article.

Walking elevates emotions and increases energy

A brisk 15-minute walk helps to elevate your emotional wellbeing and energy levels. In this study, women who did 200 minutes weekly of walking found they had more energy and felt emotionally better.

Find opportunities in your day or week where can walk instead of driving or taking a bus. By building walking into your daily routine, you’ll get the benefits and the exercise without having to carve out any additional time.


Walking improves your sleep

Physical activity during the day promotes better sleep at night and walking is an excellent way to improve the quality of your sleep. Walking reduces stress and quietens your mind so that when you go to bed at night, you’ll find it easier to get to sleep and stay asleep.

Read more here. Exercising for Better Sleep

Walking is ideal for stress relief

When you feel stressed, it can cloud your ability to think clearly and make decisions that you’re happy with. Walking is an opportunity to let go of things that are weighing you down and can put your problems into perspective.

Research has shown that stress hormones are greatly reduced after just a 20 minute walk, resulting in a better mood and positive outlook.

Read more here: walking vs running

And the best part is – walking is free and you can do it whenever you choose!


Natural skincare for over 30 years

Kosmea has been developing natural skincare for over 30 years. We are pioneers in the field of skincare with natural ingredients, sourced sustainably with a beneficial flow on effect to communities that pick our fruit, and in the manufacture of Rosehip Oil.

We’re proud to say that we have always had an environmentally aware approach to creating natural skincare since our beginnings in 1993. In fact, the word ‘Kosmea’ comes from the Ancient Greek meaning ‘to harmonise and bring into balance’.


Retain the purity of the oil

Today, after 30 years, and after seeing many other Rosehip Oil companies in the world pop up competing for market share, we have kept our original ethos intact. Our commitment is to our careful manufacturing method to retain the purity of the oil, to skincare that is natural, and to a belief that if we live in harmony with the world around us, there will always be enough sustenance for everyone.

By using our products, you are also contributing to promoting balance harmony and sustainability in the world.

“I am dedicated to changing the way people treat their skin. Kosmea was one of the first skin care companies to challenge conventional skin care manufacturing by avoiding the use of harmful synthetic ingredients, and I will never compromise on that principle. Our skin is a living organ and we should nourish it with ingredients that we recognise and would be prepared to eat!”

Marie Kapetanakis, founder of Kosmea

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Kosmea rose hip oil 20ml Combined
Certified Organic Rosehip Oil 20mL
Kosmea rose hip oil 42ml Combined
Certified Organic Rosehip Oil 42mL