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7 reasons why gardening improves your mental health

Gardeners have one thing in common – they all love watching their gardens grow and thrive, and caring for plants gives them a great sense of personal fulfilment.

Gardening has benefits to your mental health and physical health and if you want to live a long and happy life, there is good news. The Blue Zones were identified in this study* as having the oldest people in the world living healthy and active lives. One of the eight things these people from all parts of the world had in common was gardening!

Why does gardening improve our health? Read on.

1. Gardening nurtures your creativity

When you have a garden to care for, you do all sorts of creative problem solving. There are plenty of tips online, but ultimately, it’s your garden, with your specific soil, weather patterns and pests. Which means only you can make the final decisions on what to plant and how to create the ideal environment for your garden to thrive. This level of creative problem solving is excellent for the brain, which always welcomes problems to solve!


2. Gardening gives you purpose

Gardens give you a sense of purpose. Once you begin gardening, you have a responsibly to your plants to maintain and grow them, and to give them an environment where they can flourish. Watching your garden thrive gives you a great sense of personal satisfaction. You might even find yourself getting up earlier in the morning to head outside and spend time with your plants.

3. Gardening relaxes your mind and relieves stress

There is nothing quite like being absorbed in creating your garden to alleviate feelings of stress instantly. Gardening relaxes your mind and brings you into the present by putting you in touch with nature.

Research has shown that gardening significantly increases nerve growth in the brain**, therefore improving cognitive function and memory.


4. Gardening improves bone health

Gardening is good exercise and therefore improves your bone health. Time outdoors and in the sunshine is the best source of Vitamin D, which is needed for proper calcium absorption and is essential for good strong bones. The physical work of gardening is excellent for your strength and flexibility, as you squat, bend, and use your arms.

5. Gardening improves gut health

Soil has a wide variety of “good bugs” which have been linked to better gut health so get digging with your bare hands whenever you can. A healthy gut improves good digestion and assimilation of nutrients and 80% of your immune system is found in the gut. The more gardening you do, the better your gut health, and the stronger your immune system becomes.


6. Gardening means time in nature

Spending time in the outdoors benefits your physical and mental health. Breathing improves allowing more oxygen in the blood, expanding the lungs and improving digestion. Nature also helps us to reduce our heart rate, ease tension and improve our overall sense of wellbeing.

7. Gardening improves your nutrition

You are more likely to eat healthier food if you grow your own fruit and vegetables. Picking your own produce for the evening meal from your garden is not only a wonderfully satisfying feeling, it also encourage you to grow more each season.


Spending time in the garden? For sunburn or windburn – use Rosehip Oil

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