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Is your pet scratching? How to use Rosehip Oil to alleviate common pet skin condition

Did you know that you can use Rosehip Oil for your pets to alleviate a range of skin conditions?

It’s a gentle and effective oil which has beneficial healing properties for anything from dermatitis and eczema, to treating flea and insect bites. And it’s totally fine if they lick it off! Our Certified Organic Rosehip Oil is good enough to eat and we use it in salad dressings and smoothies which you can find recipes for here .

Common pet skin conditions

Eczema and dermatitis

Your pet may be allergic to pollen, grasses, mould spores and dust mites just like humans. Pets with this sort of dermatitis often itch, lick and scratch themselves often, or rub their faces on furniture and door jambs.

Wherever your pet has dry and itchy areas, part the fur and add 2-3 drops of Rosehip Oil and massage in gently, they’ll love the relaxing sensation of massage too.


Fleas and other insect bites

Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is a condition in pets who are allergic to the flea’s saliva and become very itchy after being bitten. This can develop into an allergy and eventually further skin problems. It can affect both cats and dogs and regular flea treatment is essential to minimise an allergic reaction.

Rosehip Oil can be used to soothe and calm flea bites, as well as other insect bites and aid in healing and repairing the skin.

Dry skin

The cold dry weather in winter can affect the skin of some breeds of dogs just like it does in humans. Their skin can become dry and sensitive. A little dab of Rosehip Oil will go a long way to relieve itching and scratching, often 1-2 drops to the affected area will be enough



Skin lesions of all sorts can be treated with Rosehip Oil. A condition called mange is caused by mites which in most cases animals can handle. However if their immune system is compromised, the mites can thrive and cause skin lesions. Other skin lesions may occur from allergies or too much scratching. Part the fur and massage in 2-3 drops of Rosehip Oil three times a day to help fight off infection and stimulate skin renewal.

Dog or cat bites

The cold dry weather in winter can affect the skin of some breeds of dogs just like it does in humans. Their skin can become dry and sensitive. A little dab of Rosehip Oil will go a long way to relieve itching and scratching, often 1-2 drops to the affected area will be enough


Keep a bottle of Rosehip Oil in your pet’s first aid kit

In most cases all you need is 1-3 drops (depending on size of affected area) of Rosehip Oil to help any of the above skin conditions. We suggest applying two to three times a day for best results. Rosehip Oil is available in three different sizes, pop one on your furry friends first aid kit and you will discover a natural remedy that has so many wonderful benefits. Above all, it is gentle and effective on their skin and they will love the attention!

Buy Rosehip Oil in 3 different sizes

Certified Organic

Rosehip Oil

Rosehip Oil
Available in 3 sizes

AU$18.65 — AU$59.35

Rose hip oil Group 2