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Kosmea recipes: passionfruit, hibiscus, and rosehip iced tea

If you love your tea blends, you’ll enjoy this blend which is one of our favourites.

We’ve combined three distinct ingredients to create a light and refreshing tea of fruit and rose for summer. Drink first thing in the morning, or throughout the day to rejuvenate from the inside out.

  • 4 x drops of Kosmea’s Rose Hip Oil
  • 2 x cups of ice
  • 2 x cups of water
  • 2 x teaspoons of honey
  • ¼ x cup of dried rose petals
  • 2 x passionfruit and hibiscus teabags or one teaspoon of each of loose leaf tea
  • 2 x teaspoons of rosewater
  1. Pour boiling water into 2 x heatproof glasses with teabags or use loose leaf tea if you prefer
  2. Steep for 10 minutes
  3. Add 1 x teaspoon of honey to each glass
  4. Distribute the rose petals between two glasses
  5. Remove teabags and let liquid cool completely
  6. Distribute rosewater between two glasses
  7. Add two drops of Kosmea’s pure Rose Hip Oil to each glass
  8. Relax in a comfy chair, a good book, and enjoy!
Enjoy hot or cold

You can also make this up in a heat proof jug which allows you to make a batch to last for a couple of days. Experiment with the portions to create the flavours you prefer. Place in the fridge and enjoy till the last drop!

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Rosehip Oil is Available in 3 sizes – Buy Now

Certified Organic

Rosehip Oil

Rosehip Oil
Available in 3 sizes

AU$18.65 — AU$59.35

Rose hip oil Group 2