Kosmea’s natural products are safe for a baby’s skin
Your beautiful little baby spent nine months in a protected environment with every food and product carefully chosen to support their growth and development.
Your beautiful little baby spent nine months in a protected environment with every food and product carefully chosen to support their growth and development.
The products on their skin matter because they’re absorbed into their body. You want beneficial skin products to feed and nourish while also having safe ingredients.
Your baby’s skin is sensitive, delicate and soft. Skin irritation is very common in the first year as a baby acclimatises to the world.
When a baby is born, it is covered in a skin protectant called vernix, which is naturally absorbed by their skin over the first few days after birth. Ideally you want to leave the vernix on the skin and allow it to disappear naturally as the more protection the better. It enables an easier transition for the baby’s skin outside the womb in the first week.
Touching, stroking and massaging your baby is essential for their healthy development. And it’s a wonderful and enjoyable opportunity to bond with your baby through this nurturing activity. Skin to skin contact helps to:
Babies love bath time. Wash your baby in warm water two to three times a week. Bathing too frequently removes essential natural oils and can dry the skin out. Babies don’t get dirty beyond soiling diapers and getting messy from eating or drooling. Between baths, gently clean the face and diaper area.
Keep the bath shallow, using two to three inches of water, just enough to immerse their body. As the skin is sensitive, keep baths short, around five minutes, don’t let the baby sit for long periods in soapy water. Use a natural, gentle and sensitive soap for a baby’s skin. Fill a cup with water and gently pour it over the baby’s shoulders to keep them warm and to rinse, because turning a tap on can startle them and you cannot guarantee the water temperature. Make sure you wash inside all folds to remove dirt and prevent rashes. Wash hair last, keeping it dry until then to keep the baby warm.
Immediately after the bath, pat baby’s skin dry instead of rubbing and moisturise your baby’s skin with Kosmea’s Certified Organic Rosehip Oil to nourish and soothe. Keeping the skin moisturised, but not moist, will prevent many potential skin irritations. Turn moisturising into a baby massage: lay your baby on a blanket or towel and warm rosehip oil or Nourishing Treatment Cream in your hands. Gently rub baby’s stomach and chest, keeping eye contact and talking or singing to them.
Diaper or nappy rash can be a common issue with babies. Few, if any babies can get away with not getting one and they are usually caused by wetness. If a baby sits in a wet diaper for even a minute too long, they can develop diaper/nappy rash, which can also be caused by a sensitivity to products such as the diaper itself, creams or wipes.
If you know products aren’t the cause, make sure the baby is changed quickly when the diaper is soiled. Wipe the area thoroughly and pat dry allowing baby to air dry the rest of the way. Keeping the diaper area open to air as much as possible is a great way to prevent diaper rash. Kosmea’s award winning Rescue Balm is rich in essential fatty acids, natural vitamin A and antioxidants and when applied liberally to the skin, will soothe and repair and prevent future rashes.
Sunburn is another concern for babies. They should stay out of harsh sunlight for the first six months of life. When outside, keep baby covered with clothing, hats and umbrellas, or stroller canopies. If baby gets a mild sunburn, a cool cloth can help relieve it followed with a few drops of rosehip oil.
Be very careful with all products that touch baby’s skin. Besides creams and cleansers, this also includes detergents. Make sure all detergents for towels, bedding, baby clothes and even your clothes don’t contain irritants like fragrances or chemicals that can be harsh for baby’s skin. Chemicals can cause chafing, dryness and rashes. When dressing your baby, make sure you wash every new article of clothing first, and keep them in soft fabrics and natural fabrics like cotton to prevent irritation. Skin irritation is normal for babies, but if you notice any concerning irritation, contact your paediatrician immediately.
Make sure the products you use are as natural as can be and contain: