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The vitality of water: 7 immediate benefits of drinking water

The human body can survive for several weeks without food, but only a few days without water.

Around 60% of your body is made up of water. To function optimally, your body needs fresh water replenished each day.

However, water isn’t just essential for our survival. It is also essential for maintaining good health at any age. Enough water can make the difference between feeling just ok, and feeling healthy and energetic.

How much water is enough?

Ideally women should drink between 6-8 glasses a day, men about 10 glasses, and children between 4-6 glasses depending on their height and weight.

Drinking enough water starting right now will give you immediate health benefits.

Here’s why.


1. Absorption of nutrients

Water helps to break down the food that you consume so that the vitamins, minerals and nutrients from your food can enter the blood stream and find their way to organs and tissues for healthy function.

2. Regulates body temperature

Water regulates the body’s temperature by dissipating heat. When the body’s internal temperature becomes too hot, heat is lost through perspiration which cools the body. If the body doesn’t have enough water, then it will struggle to cool down and this disrupts many of your body’s natural rhythms such as hormone production and brain/cognitive function.


3. Eliminates waste products

The kidney and liver have an important role in removing toxins from our bodies. With enough water, the kidneys and liver can efficiently do their work and rid the body of waste products. Water is the medium that carries these waste products through the body so that they are easily eliminated. Without enough water, toxins can gather in areas of the body and cause stagnation which can lead to disease.

4. Supports production of hormones

Drinking enough water helps to regulate the endocrine system which is responsible for hormone production. Research has shown that if you’re dehydrated, this can disrupt hormone production and lead to imbalances in the stress hormone cortisol, thyroid function and it can also disrupt menstrual cycles.


5. Lubricates and cushions tissues and joints

The fluid that cushions and lubricates your tissues and joints is synovial fluid which is mostly made up of water. This fluid is vitally important to reducing friction and maintaining the health of your joints. However, if the body is dehydrated, then it can’t make enough synovial fluid which causes stiff and creaky joints and eventually deterioration of the joint tissue.

6. Supports good digestion and elimination

Digestion starts with your saliva, and water helps you begin the breakdown of food in your mouth first. If you are properly hydrated, you will produce enough saliva to begin the digestive process in your mouth before food enters your stomach. Digestion or the breakdown of food, continues in the stomach, so that nutrients are released into the blood stream and transported throughout the body. Water also helps make stools soft easing the process of elimination.


7. Supports skin health

When the body can properly deliver nutrients to the cells, eliminate waste products, and regulate the body’s temperature, this benefits the skin. Skin cells can more efficiently regenerate themselves, lay down new collagen and get rid of unwanted toxins to rejuvenate and improve the quality of your skin.

It’s easy to forget to drink water and feel thirsty at the end of the day, but it can become a good habit. Get yourself a water bottle

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