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Is Rosehip Oil good for oily or acne prone skin?

Using facial oil on oily skin may sound counterintuitive, but there are some oils that help to balance and stabilise the skin’s natural oil production.

One of these is Rosehip Oil. As a very fine oil, it is readily absorbed, nourishing and hydrating the skin without clogging the pores.

Rosehip Oil has often been called Liquid Gold in a bottle and was used by the ancient Roman and Egyptians for its powerful healing properties as a facial oil , and to nourish the hair.

Below we’ve answered some common questions that we receive from our customers about whether Rosehip Oil can help oily skin.

How does Rosehip Oil help oily skin?

Rosehip provides several powerful botanicals to improve the skin’s tone and texture, and to stimulate skin cell renewal. Kosmea takes great care to carefully extract the pure oil from the rosehip without damaging or compromising the healing benefits of the rosehip oil, and therefore our Rosehip Oil has 10x more vitamin A than any other oil on the market. Vitamin A is important because it regulates sebum production in the skin cells.

Kosmea’s Certified Organic Rosehip Oil not only has the highest level of Vitamin A on the market, it is also rich in essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 which the body cannot produce itself, but needs for good skin health. Linoleic acid is an Omega-6 fatty acid and is known to reduce the size of comedone.


Does Rosehip Oil cause breakouts?

No. Rosehip Oil is a super fine oil that is easily absorbed by the skin while allowing your pores to remain clear and able to breathe. Kosmea’s Rosehip Oil is the purest on the market, and will not clog your pores nor leave an oily residue.

Your skin needs the right amount of oil on the surface for lubrication and protection. If you strip the skin of natural oils thinking this will help your oily skin problem, the skin will only activate more oil production. By adding a gentle oil like Rosehip Oil to your daily skincare regime, and 2-3 drops after cleansing is enough, you’re stabilising and maintaining a healthy level of oil on the skin.

Will Rosehip Oil get rid of acne?

The skin needs oil to lubricate and protect it, and the sebaceous glands are responsible for producing this oil. Hormonal changes, diet, stress and other factors can cause the sebaceous glands to become overactive and create more oil than is needed on the skin’s surface, which leads to inflammation and infection in the pores, or acne.

Rosehip Oil is not a direct treatment for acne, but it will help acne by balancing and calming the inflammation, improving skin tone and reducing the appearance of scarring and pigmentation. Stripping the oils from your skin makes acne worse, and Rosehip Oil will maintain and balance oils while being easily absorbed without clogging your pores.

Related article: Acne: Causes, Symptoms and how Rosehip Oil helps


Does Rosehip Oil help reduce acne scars?

Yes. Rosehip Oil is known and proven to improve the skin’s tone and texture, and to reduce the appearance of scars, blemishes and pigmentation. The essential fatty acids in Kosmea’s Rosehip Oil are responsible for promoting new skin cell growth, reducing inflammation, and healing wounds to minimise the likelihood of recurring scarring.

Don’t just take our word for it. Over the years we’ve had many success stories of people frustrated with acne scarring and wanting a more gentle, less invasive approach to healing scar tissue.

Before and After with Rosehip Oil

In only 4 weeks, the acne scars on this young woman visibly diminished after apply 2-3 drops of Rosehip Oil twice a day.

Kosmea’s before and afters

Buy Rosehip Oil – 3 sizes available

Kosmea rose hip oil 10ml Combined
Certified Organic Rosehip Oil 10mL
Kosmea rose hip oil 20ml Combined
Certified Organic Rosehip Oil 20mL
Kosmea rose hip oil 42ml Combined
Certified Organic Rosehip Oil 42mL