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Dry and sensitive skin: How Rosehip Oil Helps to soothe, hydrate and balance

Skin becomes dry and sensitive when it doesn’t have enough oil and water.

If you have sensitive or dry skin, you’ll know that winter or cold temperatures can make your skin worse. But the cold isn’t the only thing that causes dryness and sensitivity. Emotionally stressful times or being around allergens such as dust or pets, can also cause sensitive skin to become itchy and uncomfortable.

There is a difference between your skin being sensitive and allergic, and allergic reactions can be much more severe. Sensitivity can be managed with topical applications such as Rosehip Oil whereas allergic reactions may need medical attention.

The symptoms of sensitive and dry skin include itchiness and redness, scaling, flaking, peeling and in severe cases, potentially cracking and bleeding.

Rosehip Oil has often come to the rescue for dry and sensitive skin . It has several healing properties that will restore and replenish moisture in your skin and reduce the inflammation response. Read on to find out more about the properties of Rosehip and why it helps your skin.

Try the Kosmea Skincare Routine developed for Dry and Sensitive Skin


You may not realise you have sensitive skin until you have a reaction to a product such as soap, makeup or a detergent. Or you may experience sensitive skin only during winter. Most sensitive skin conditions can be managed with attention to your skin routine . Dry and sensitive skin is caused when the top layer of skin is depleted of water and oil which are important in regulating the skin’s temperature and providing a protective barrier to the outside elements. When this protective barrier is compromised, your skin resilient, causing sensitivity.

Some of the common irritants that cause dry and sensitive skin include the following:

  • Cold weather
  • Frequent fluctuations in temperature
  • Air pollution and dust
  • Very hot water when showering or bathing
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress and worry
  • Hormonal changes
  • Chemicals in the household from detergents, soaps, and chlorine in water

Unless your skin is showing severe signs of inflammation due to allergens which may require medical attention, then Rosehip Oil has proven healing properties for dry and sensitive skin.

How does Rosehip Oil help hydrate and restore dry and sensitive skin?

Rosehip Oil has been used to restore the lustre and quality of skin since ancient times. High levels of vitamins and essential fatty acids which are responsible for rejuvenation and restoration, provide the nutrients needed for the skin to heal. Rosehip Oil has a perfect pH balance which caters to every skin type and makes it easily absorbed.

Essential Fatty Acids – Omega 3 and 6

Essential fatty acids are responsible for skin and hair renewal, repairing damaged skin and reducing inflammation caused by external elements. Our body cannot produce Omega 3 and 6 so we rely on external sources to maintain the right level of these essential fatty acids.

Vitamin A

Rosehip Oil contains Vitamins A, which has proven and effective properties in healing, restoring and rejuvenating the skin.

Vitamin A produces retinol which stimulates collagen production, boosting the skin’s resilience and quality. The science behind Vitamin A has shown that our skin readily absorbs Vitamin A when applied topically.

Kosmea’s Rosehip Oil has the highest levels of Vitamin A of all Rosehip Oils available on the market. Our extraction methods keep the levels of this essential skin boosting and rejuvenating vitamin intact.

Kosmea Certified Organic Rose Hip Oil guarantees a minimum of 80% essential fatty acids per bottle and the highest level of Vitamin A on the market.


Kosmea’s Rescue Range has been specifically formulated for dry and sensitive

You don’t need to put up with dry and sensitive skin. If you haven’t tried Rosehip Oil, then now is a good time to experience the healing benefits of this tried and tested pure and natural oil. We have a range of sizes you can start with – 10ml, 20ml and 42ml.

If you’d prefer to try our skin products which also contain Rosehip Oil, our specially formulated Rescue Skincare Range was developed for dry and sensitive skin. We call it nature’s first aid kit for the skin, containing naturally soothing, repairing and protective properties for dry and sensitive skin, especially during cold winter months.

Certified Organic

Rosehip Oil

Rosehip Oil
Available in 3 sizes

AU$18.65 — AU$59.35

Rose hip oil Group 2