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Why Rosehip Oil makes the perfect beard oil

Growing and maintaining a good-looking beard requires daily tender loving care.

Beards get itchy when the follicles become congested and cause inflammation, they start looking a little scruffy without proper care, and dandruff can also set in. But with the right products in your grooming box, your beard will not only look good, but feel good too.

Rosehip Oil is an ideal beard oil. It is a fine oil that is rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin A and has been used as far back as ancient Roman and Egyptian times to nourish the skin and hair. Rosehip Oil is packed with nutritious botanicals that will keep your beard in great condition.

High In Essential Fatty Acids

Rosehip Oil is rich in Omega 3 and 6, essential fatty acids that the body cannot produce itself, relying on external sources. Essential fatty acids are needed to repair damaged skin and hair. Kosmea’s Certified Organic Rosehip Oil is guaranteed to contain a minimum of 80% essential fatty acids.


Natural Source Of Vitamin A

Rosehip Oil is rich in vitamin A which is a fat-soluble micronutrient necessary for the growth of healthy skin and hair. Vitamin A supports the secretion of sebum, which is the natural oils in our skin to protect our skin surface and prevent hair breakage. Kosmea’s Rosehip Oil has 10X more Vitamin A than any other rosehip oil on the market due to our careful supercritical (not cold pressed) extraction process.

Related article: For Men: 6 benefits of Rosehip Oil for your skin

What can Rosehip Oil do for your beard?

1. It’s an excellent moisturiser

Rosehip Oil is a very fine oil so it is easily absorbed by the hair. Essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 work as a natural conditioner, nourishing and softening your beard. These fatty acids will stop your beard from getting scruffy, keeping it soft, moisturised and manageable.


2. It soothes inflammation caused by clogged pores or pimples

Hair follicles in your beard can become clogged and cause inflammation. Or you may be prone to breakouts or acne. Rosehip Oil is known to calm and soothe inflamed skin. Both the essential fatty acids and Vitamin A reduce the production of oil, stimulate new skin cell growth and reduce inflammation.

Related Article: Acne: Causes, Symptoms and How Rosehip Oil Helps

3. It soothes irritated skin and minimises the itch

Using Rosehip Oil every day will alleviate sensitive or irritated skin and soothe itchiness that can occur from fungus or bacteria which clogs the hair follicles.


4. It fights dandruff

Dandruff can be caused by bacteria in the skin or from dry and flaky skin.

Dry and flaky skin occurs when the top layer of skin is depleted of water and oils which are needed to provide a protective barrier. When this protective barrier is compromised, your skin is less resilient, causing dryness and sensitivity. Rosehip Oil acts as a barrier protecting your skin from temperature fluctuations and environmental pollutants. As an anti-inflammatory, it will also help reduce dandruff caused by bacteria.

Related article: Sensitive and Dry Skin

How to use Rosehip Oil on your beard?

The best time is always after a shower when your hair is most receptive. After a warm shower, blood circulation is increased and hair follicles are open and able to more deeply absorb the oil. Apply 3-4 drops into your hand and gently rub through your beard once a day.

Buy a bottle of Rosehip Oil here and you’ll see and feel the difference in two weeks.


Buy a bottle of Rosehip Oil – Available in 3 sizes

Kosmea rose hip oil 10ml Combined
Certified Organic Rosehip Oil 10mL
Kosmea rose hip oil 20ml Combined
Certified Organic Rosehip Oil 20mL
Kosmea rose hip oil 42ml Combined
Certified Organic Rosehip Oil 42mL