It often appears in women between the ages of 30-50 years and can get worse with age.
Therefore, finding ways to soothe the symptoms will help to minimise breakouts, irritation and a potentially more stubborn condition as you get older. Rosacea comes and goes and can be brought on by heat, spicy foods and stress.

Rosehip Oil is a gentle and natural remedy to keep nearby when a flare up of Rosacea occurs
The high content of Essential Fatty Acids and Vitamin A help to reduce the inflammation and repair skin cells.
What causes Rosacea?
There is no known cause for Rosacea and there isn’t really a known cure either. Rosacea is more common in fair-skinned people with Northern European ancestry. Rosehip Oil treats a variety of skin conditions such as eczema , psoriasis and dermatitis . Rosacea is no exception, and our customers have had excellent result using Rosehip Oil to soothe their symptoms.
How do you know if you have Rosacea?
Rosacea can often be mistaken for other skin conditions such as dermatitis and eczema. If you have Rosacea, you’ll be experiencing the following symptoms:
- Regular blushing on cheeks which takes longer to go away
- Inflamed blood vessels/capillaries that are visible on the cheeks, and can also occur on the forehead, nose and chin
- Small pustules/pimples that may even look like acne
- A sensation of burning or stinging in the face
- Small lumps under the skin
- Swollen cheeks or nose
- A general rash across the face
- Very hot weather or eating spicy foods can intensify the symptoms

Rosehip Oil’s high content of Essential Fatty Acids and Vitamin A reduce inflammation caused by Rosacea
How Rosehip Oil soothes Rosacea
Rosehip Oil is a safe and gentle oil for your skin which is light and easily absorbed. The two main components in Rosehip Oil that assist many skin conditions are Essential Fatty Acids Omega 3 and 6, and Vitamin A. These components have potent anti-inflammatory rejuvenation and regeneration properties.
Since ancient Roman times, Rosehip Oil has been used to improve the condition, tone, elasticity and lustre of the skin. Today, Rosehip Oil is used to help many skin conditions such as wrinkles, sun damage, stretch marks, old and new scars, psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema. You can find out more at Kosmea’s Skin Doctor .

How does Vitamin A help Rosacea?
itamin A boosts the skin’s resilience and quality, repairs damaged skin tissue, balances and retains moisture in the skin. It is also effective in improving the appearance of old scars. The higher the Vitamin A content, the better.
The Vitamin A in Rosehip Oil produces retinol which stimulates collagen production. There are many Rosehip Oils on the market today, but none have the high levels of Vitamin A that you will find in Kosmea’s Rosehip Oil. Kosmea’s supercritical extraction process retains the integrity and high levels of Vitamin A.
How do Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3 and 6 help Rosacea?
Essential fatty acids are responsible for repairing damaged skin and reducing inflammation. Since our body cannot produce Omega 3 and 6, we rely on external sources to maintain the right level of these essential fatty acids. Rosehip Oil is a natural and gentle oil on the skin with high levels of both Omega 3 and 6 required for healthy skin.
With a pH balance of 5.1 which is similar to the natural oil produced by our skin, Rosehip Oil is easily absorbed. The anti-inflammatory properties of Rose Hip Oil help reduce inflammation and soothe swollen capillaries and pustules.

Reduce redness and swelling from Rosacea with Rosehip Oil
Many of our customers have sent us their stories about the improvements they’ve seen in their skin for wrinkles, acne, scars, eczema and more.
A testimonial about broken capillaries on skin:
….. I began using your product on recommendation from my Chemist’s skin health supervisor, I had a problem with capillaries on my cheeks. After using your product for six weeks I noticed a marked improvement not only on my face, my nails seem to derive benefits also, they are much stronger and shinier. Thank you for such a fine product.
Rebecca, Victoria