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How to Shop

Customer Log-in

How to log-in:

Simply create a username and password when you are shopping on Kosmea. The next time you shop with us, enter in your username and password so that you don’t have to fill out your address details again. Easy! If you would like to log in now, click here

Change or update your personal information:

It is important that you notify us if your personal details change so we can ensure accurate processing and delivery of your order. You can change or update your personal information at anytime.

Shopping with Kosmea online

Your shopping cart:

When you are shopping on Kosmea and an item/s is added to your shopping cart, it saves and holds the products you wish to purchase while you are still shopping.

Your shopping cart also lets you:

  • Remove an item from your cart:
    To remove an item from your shopping cart simply click on the red X button and it will automatically update your order.
  • Update your quantity:
    To update the quantity of products you would like to order, type your new quantity in the “quantity” box and then click on “update cart”. Your order will then automatically be updated with the new order quantity.
  • Proceed to checkout:
    Once you have finished shopping, proceed to checkout and follow the prompts through our secure payment gateway.
  • Secure on-line shopping payment options:

Kosmea accepts payment for goods by credit card and via PayPal. The credit cards we accept include:

  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express

Please send any other enquiries about shopping at kosmea.com to [email protected]