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Eczema and Dermatitis

Soothe, calm and nourish skin prone to eczema and dermatitis. The high content of essential fatty acids in Rosehip Oil form a fine film over the surface of the skin that holds in moisture and prevents the skin from becoming dehydrated. Vitamin A stimulates collagen production, boosting the skin’s resilience and quality, alleviating recurring irritation.

Our recommended skin care routine

Soothing and hydrating products are essential to calm the effects of eczema and dermatitis. Kosmea’s natural products with Certified Organic Rosehip Oil provide protection and stimulate skin regeneration. These include Rosehip Oil, Rescue Balm, Nourishing Treatment Cream, Purifying Cream Cleanser for the face and Energising Radiance Mask to add moisture.


    Certified Organic Rosehip Oil 20mL

    $32.95 USD
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    Nourishing Treatment Cream 50mL

    $27.45 USD
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    Rescue Balm 50mL

    $32.95 USD
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How Rosehip Oil helps eczema and dermatitis

Eczema and dermatitis occur in skin that is dehydrated and low in essential fatty acids. In normal skin the skin barrier keeps moisture locked in, but in skin with eczema this is compromised. This causes the skin to become tight, dry and scaly which leads to itchiness and flaking. Rosehip Oil helps repair damaged skin tissue by improving hydration, increasing elasticity and minimising future scarring that can be caused by persistent scratching.

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